Fatty Acid Content in Pomegranate Juice, Arils, Seed.

Pomegranate is rich in Omega 6 fatty acids, its content ranges from 223 mg. The total fat content of pomegranate ranges from 1 gram to 3.3 grams, and the saturated fats content ranges from 0.1 grams to 0.3 grams. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are also present but in lesser quantities

Fatty Acid Content In Raw pomegranate fruit, arils with seeds.

The total fat content in different types of servings is noted in the table below. The total fat contents are divided into saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Further Unsaturated fatty acids have monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Apart from that, you will also know how much Omega 6 and omega 3 are in pomegranate.

Now let us check how many Fatty Acids are there in each serving of pomegranate.

  ½ Cup Pomegranate Arils (87 grams)%DVPomegranate (100 grams)serving%DVRaw Pomegranate (282grams)%DV
Total Fat1 gram2 %1.2 grams2 %3.3 gram5 %
Saturated Fat0.1 grams1 %0.1 grams1 %0.3 gram2 %
Monounsaturated Fat0.1 grams0.1 grams0.3 gram
Polyunsaturated Fat0.1 grams0.1 grams0.2 gram
Total trans fatty Acids
Total Trans Monoenic Fatty Acids
Total Omega 3 fatty acids
Total Omega 6 fatty acids0.1 mg79.0 mg223 mg
Fatty Acid Content In Raw pomegranate fruit, arils with seeds.

Fat content of ½ Cup Pomegranate Arils with Seeds

A 1/2 cup of pomegranate arils with seeds containing 1 gram will fulfill 2% of daily total fat requirements, 1% RDA of Saturated fats with 0.1 gram,  out of which 0.1 gram of Monounsaturated fatty acids and 0.1 grams polyunsaturated fatty acid. And 79 mg of Omega 6 fatty acid.

a 1/2 cup of pomegranate arils with seeds might be too little for you. It might not be so fulfilling.

So you can try it out with more pomegranate lie 100 grams serving or even more. It is healthy and delicious.

Fat content of 100 grams serving of Pomegranate Arils with Seeds

A 100 grams of pomegranate arils serving to contain 1.2 grams will fulfill 2% of daily total fat requirements,1% RDA of Saturated fats with 0.1 gram,  out of which 0.1 gram of Monounsaturated fatty acids and 0.1 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acid. And 79 mg of Omega 6 fatty acid.

Do you use pomegranates in your recipes?

If you do then you will find that most recipes contain 100 servings of pomegranate. So this information will help you understand the fat content better.

Most of the recipe books have this

Fat content of 282 grams serving of Pomegranate.

A raw pomegranate weighing 282 grams of pomegranate arils serving contains 3.3 grams will fulfill 5% of daily total fat requirements, 2% RDA of Saturated fats with 0.3 gram, 0.3 gram of Monounsaturated fatty acids, and 0.2 grams polyunsaturated fatty acid. And 223 mg of Omega 6 fatty acid.

Now let us look at the fatty acid content of pomegranate juice.

Fatty Acid Content In pomegranate Juice (Bottled).

 1 ounce (28grams)% DV( 1fl)1 US Cup  (8fl)(224grams)% DV( 1fl)
Total Fat0.1 gram0%0.7 grams1%
    Saturated Fat0.0 mg0%0.2 grams1%
    Monosaturated Fat0.0 gram00.1 gram
    Polyunsaturated Fat0.0 gram0.1 gram
    Total Trans fatty acid6%
    Total  Omega-3 fatty acid0%
    Total   Omega 6 fatty acid15.6 mg0%124 mg 
Fatty Acid Content In pomegranate Juice (Bottled).

1 cup of juice will have 8 fl. So let us see what you will get out of 1 cup of pomegranate juice.

Fat content of 1 Cup of Bottled Pomegranate Juice.

A 1 cup of pomegranate juice serving contains 0.7 grams of total fats which will fulfill 1% of daily total fat requirements, 1% RDA of Saturated fats with 0.2 gram, and 0.1 gram of Monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. And 124 mg of Omega 6 fatty acid.


Let us see how the content of Saturated Fats is different from one serving to another.

Saturated Fatty Acids in Pomegranate Juice and Arils with seed.

A 1/2 cup of pomegranate arils with seeds contains 0.1 mg of Saturated Fats which fulfills 1 % RDA, a 100 grams serving of pomegranate contains 0.1 mg of Saturated Fats with 1% RDA, a raw pomegranate 282 grams contains 0.3 mg of Saturated Fats with 2 % RDA. One cup of pomegranate juice contains 0.2 mg of Saturated Fats with 1% of RDA.

Pomegranate juice, arils, and seeds are a delight to chew and drink. It s also healthy. In the table below you will find out about the saturated fatty acid content in it.

 Saturated Fat (gram)Saturated Fat content %DV
½ Cup of pomegranate Arils0.1 gram1 %
100 gms of pomegranate serving0.1 gram1 %
1 raw pomegranate (282 grams)0.3 gram2 %
1 fl of pomegranate juice0.0 g
1 US Cup of Pomegranate Juice0.2 grams1 %
Saturated Fatty Acids in Pomegranate Juice and Arils with seed.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Pomegranate Juice and Arils with seed.

A 1/2 cup of pomegranate arils with seeds contains 0.1 mg of Omega6 fatty acid, a 100 grams serving of pomegranate contains 79 mg of Omega-6 fatty acid, a raw pomegranate 282 grams contains 223 mg of Omega-6 fatty acid and one cup of pomegranate juice contains 124 mg of Omega-6 fatty acid.

 Omega-6 fatty acid (mg)
½ Cup of pomegranate Arils0.1 mg
100 gms of pomegranate serving79.0 mg
1 raw pomegranate (282 grams)223 mg
1 fl of pomegranate juice15.6  mg
1 US Cup of Pomegranate Juice124 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Pomegranate Juice and Arils with seed.
