9 Vitamins in Pomegranate that makes it a Superfood.

Vitamins are important ingredients that make a fruit nutritious.

Pomegranate is rich in Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. It also contains Vitamin E and Vitamin B complex, but in smaller quantities. You will not get Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, or Vitamin D from Pomegranate.

Let us check the various vitamins content of Pomegranate.

 ½ Cup Pomegranate Arils (87 grams)Raw Pomegranate (100 grams)Raw Pomegranate (282grams)
Vitamin A0.0 IU0.0 IU0.0 IU
Vitamin C8.9 mg10.2 mg28.8 mg
Vitamin D
Vitamin E0.5 mg0.6 mg17 mg
Vitamin K14.3 mcg16.4 mcg46.2 mcg
Vitamin B 1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg0.1 mg0.2 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.0 mg0.1 mg0.1 mg
Vitamin B3  
0.3 mg0.3 mg0.8 mg
Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine)0.1 mg0.1 mg0.2mg
Vitamin B 9 (Folate)33.1 mcg38 mcg107mcg
Vitamin B 120.0mcg0.0mcg0.0mcg
Pantothenic Acid0.3 mg0.4 mg1.1mg
Choline6.6 mg7.6 mg21.4mg
Vitamin content in Raw pomegranate and pomegranate arils

In the above table, you can see the comparison between the protein contents of Raw pomegranate and pomegranate servings.

You can consume a raw pomegranate in multiple ways.

You can either munch it or you can use it in a recipe. So, when you use it in recipes, you will find that the chef has used 100grams of Pomegranate arils, so that is why it is important to know the vitamins content of each different quantity of pomegranate differently.

Pomegranate raw fruit contains a good amount of  Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B 9 (Folate), and Choline. Apart from that, it contains Vitamin B Complex vitamins and pantothenic acid. Pomegranate in the raw form does not contain Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B 12.

But is not sufficient enough to know the quantity. You need to know the % DV. of each quantity of pomegranate.

You can see each % DV of each quantity of pomegranate.

 ½ Cup Pomegranate Arils (87 grams)Raw Pomegranate (100 grams)Raw Pomegranate (282grams)
Vitamin A  0%
Vitamin C15 %17 %48%
Vitamin D  
Vitamin E3 %3 %8%
Vitamin K18 %21 %58%
Vitamin B 1 (Thiamine)4 %4 %13%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)3 %3%9%
Vitamin B3  (Niacin)1 %1 %4%
Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine)3 %4 %11%
Vitamin B 9 (Folate)8 %10%27%
Vitamin B 12000%
Pantothenic Acid3%4%11%
Vitamin content in % DV in Raw pomegranate and pomegranate arils

You can see the % DV of raw pomegranate in different quantities.

Pomegranate raw fruit can full fill up to 15 % to 48% of your daily Vitamin C demand. Along with this at the same time, it will also fulfill 18% to 58% of Vitamin K demands, 3 % to 27% of Vitamin B 9 (Folate) demands, and 3% to 11% of Pantothenic Acid demands.

It will also be good for fulfilling the daily requirements of other Vitamins that are mentioned in the table above.

Now for better understanding, you can find out how much of vitamins you can obtain from each quantity of Pomegranate.

Vitamin content of 100 grams of Pomegranate.

A 100 grams of Pomegranate contains 10.2 mg of Vitamin C, which will fulfill 17% of Daily requirements. It will have 16.4 mcg of Vitamin K, which is 21 % of the Daily requirements. 38 mg of folate, which is 10 % of your daily requirements.

You will not get the benefits of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, or Vitamin B 12 from 100 grams of pomegranate.

Vitamin content of ½ Cup (87)  grams of Pomegranate Arils.

½ cup of pomegranate arils will be nearly 87 grams. Arils contain the juicy sac and within it the seed. So, you can either use it in your DIY recipes or you can simply much it as an evening snack.

It will be tasty and healthy.

Of course, a bit of time-consuming effort will require cutting the Pomegranate, the de-seed it. But once it is done you can enjoy it.

Let us see the vitamin content in them.

87 grams of Pomegranate contains 8.9 mg of Vitamin C, which will fulfill 15% of Daily requirements. It gives you 14.3 mcg of Vitamin K, which is 18 % of Daily requirements. 33.1 mg of folate, which is 8 % of your daily requirements.

You will not get the benefits of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin) from 1/2 grams of pomegranate.

Vitamin content in 1 Raw Pomegranate (282 grams).

There are different varieties of pomegranate in the market. There are almost 15 different types of pomegranate from Angel red, and a golden globe, to Ganesh, ruby, Kabul, and musket varieties. But the average weight of a raw pomegranate ranges from 250 grams to 300 grams.

Tough there are smaller varieties.

But to check the vitamin content we will stick to 282 grams of raw pomegranate.

Let us see the vitamin content in them.

A Single raw pomegranate of 282 grams contains 28.8 mg of Vitamin C, which will fulfill 48% of Daily requirements. It gives you 17 mg of Vitamin E, which is 8% DV, 46.2 mcg of Vitamin K, which is 58 % of Daily requirements, 107 mcg of folate, which is 8 % of your daily requirements and 21.4 mg of Choline.

Along with it, it will also fulfill 13% of Vitamin B 1, 9% of Vitamin B2, 11% of Vitamin B6 and 27% of B9 requirements.

You will not get the benefits of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, or Vitamin B 12, from 1/2 grams of pomegranate.

Isn’t this great.

So, what are you thinking?

Introduce Pomegranate in any form in your daily diet.

Now let us check how many Vitamins you can have in a pomegranate Juice.

 1 ounce (28grams)% DV( 1fl)1 US Cup  (8fl)(224grams)% DV( 1fl)
Vitamin A0.0 IU0%0.0 IU0%
Vitamin C2.9 mg5%23.2 mg40%
Vitamin D00
Vitamin E0.2 mg1%1.6 mg8%
Vitamin K4.6 mcg6%36.8 mcg48%
Vitamin B 1 (Thiamine)0.0 mg0%0.0 mg0%
Vitamin B2  ( Riboflavin)0.0 mg0%0.0 mg0%
Vitamin B3  (Niacin)0.1 mg1%0.8 mg8%
Vitamin B 6 ( Pyridoxine)0.0 mg0%0.0 mg0%
Vitamin B 9 ( Folate )10.6 mcg3%80.6mcg24%
Vitamin B 120.0mcg0%0.0mcg0%
Pantothenic Acid0.1 mg1%0.8 mg8%
Choline2.1 mg 16.8 mg 
Vitamin content in % DV in Raw Pomegranate Juice

I know there may be confusion about the quantity of 1 cup. But I have searched on the web and also tested. After that will stick to this parameter.

1 Cup (US) = 1 fl (Ounces). Here is one of the sources of information.

 Let us see how many Vitamins you can get.

Vitamin quantity in 1 Cup (8fl) of Pomegranate Juice.

Pomegranate juice is a tasty juice. It is healthy. The multi-vitamins contents are one of the reasons of its health benefits.

1 US Cup of Pomegranate contains 23.2 mg of Vitamin C, which will fulfill 40% of Daily requirements. It gives you 1.6 mg of Vitamin E, which is 8% DV, 36.8 mcg of Vitamin K, which is 48 % of Daily requirements, 80.6 mcg of folate, which is 24 % of your daily requirements and 16.8 mg of Choline.

Along with it it will also fulfill 8% of Vitamin B3 and 8% of Pantothenic Acid of your daily requirements.

You will not get the benefits of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin), Vitamin B 6,  Vitamin B 1, from 1cup of pomegranate juice.

I am talking about the homemade DIY pomegranate juice from the pomegranate arils by you in your juicer.

I am not talking about the ones that you can find in the market.

To check the vitamins content, of those products please check the back of the product.

Now, many people do not want to go through all the data, they only want to know the specific quantity and % DV of specific vitamins in pomegranate.

Are you one of them?

It is completely fine with me.

Then continue reading.  🙂

Vitamin A in Pomegranate

Pomegranate juice, arils, and raw fruit does not contain any Vitamin A. That is why the data centers mention the quantity of Vitamin A as 0.0 IU.

Vitamin C in Pomegranate.

You will find Vitamin C in generous quantities in raw Pomegranate, pomegranate arils, and even in pomegranate juice.

 Vitamin C content (mg)Vitamin C content %DV
½ Cup of pomegranate Arils8.9mg15%
100 gms of pomegranate serving10.2 mg17%
1 raw pomegranate (282 grams)28.8mg48%
1 fl of pomegranate juice2.9mg5%
1 US Cup of Pomegranate Juice23.2 mg40%
Vitamin C in raw Pomegranate fruit, Pomegranate arils, 100grams of Pomegranate servings, and Pomegranate Juice.

A raw pomegranate (282 grams) contains 28.8 grams of Vitamin C which will fulfill your 48% of daily Vitamin C requirements. A 100 gram serving of pomegranate contains 10.2mg and will fulfill 17% of Vitamin C requirements.  

A ½ cup of Pomegranate arils will only fulfill 15% of daily Vitamin C requirements with 8.9 mg. 1 US Cup of Pomegranate juice contains 23.2mg of Vitamin C and will fulfill 40% of your daily vitamin C requirements.

Vitamin c is a very important vitamin. Vitamin C is the reason why pomegranates is beneficial for remedy of iron deficiency anemia,

Vitamin D and Vitamin ( D2 + D3)  in Pomegranate.

Pomegranate juice, arils, and the raw fruit does not contain Vitamin D, in any form that is Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. That is why the data centers mention the quantity of Vitamin D as 0.0 IU and Vitamin (D2 + D3) as 0.0 IU.

Vitamin K in Pomegranate

You will find Vitamin C in generous quantities in raw Pomegranate, pomegranate arils, and even in pomegranate juice.

 Vitamin K content (mcg)Vitamin K content %DV
½ Cup of pomegranate Arils14.3 mcg18 %
100 gms of pomegranate serving16.4 mcg21 %
1 raw pomegranate (282 grams)46.2mcg58 %
1 fl of pomegranate juice4.6 mcg6 %
1 US Cup of Pomegranate Juice36.8 mcg40 %
Vitamin K in Pomegranate fruit, Pomegranate arils, 100 grams of Pomegranate servings, and Pomegranate Juice.

A raw pomegranate (282 grams) contains 46.2 mcg of Vitamin K which will fulfill your 58% of daily Vitamin K requirements. A 100 grams serving of pomegranate contains 16.4 mcg and will fulfill 21% of Vitamin K requirements.  

A ½ cup of Pomegranate arils will only fulfill 18% of daily Vitamin K requirements with 14.3 mg. 1 US Cup of Pomegranate juice contains 36.8 mcg of Vitamin K and will fulfill 40% of your daily vitamin K requirements.

Vitamin K is helpful for making blood clots, it has a beneficial role in bone development and also has a positive role in heart health. For more information, you can read the Harvard education page.

So, pomegranate is a good source of Vitamin K.

Vitamin B 12 in Pomegranate.

Pomegranate juice, arils, and raw fruit does not contain Vitamin B 12. That is why the data centers mention the quantity of Vitamin B 12 as 0.0 IU.

However, pomegranate is rich in Vitamin B 9 (folate) and has other B Complex vitamins in different quantities.

Please refer to the above-mentioned tables for the information.